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Dean’s Beans Makes Ethiopia Work Possible

Dean roasting beans during a traditional coffee ceremony.

Dean roasting beans during a traditional coffee ceremony.

Grounds for Health is enormously grateful to Dean Cycon of Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee for being the initial and primary underwriter of the Grounds for Health Ethiopia program. Dean traveled with the team to Ethiopia to help forge alliances between our team and his coffee contacts in the region. His knowledge of the region and strong interpersonal relationships with prospective partners was invaluable and helped get this program off and running.

Dean’s Beans of Orange, Massachusetts, has long been a supporter of Grounds for Health and other programs that benefit growers. The company purchases beans from villages and importers that are committed to Fair Trade and work towards better economic opportunity, improved health and nutrition in the villages.

Dean is committed to Fair Trade

Dean is committed to Fair Trade

Dean firmly believes that each player in the cycle of production and distribution, from the farmer to the consumer, needs to consciously participate in socially just and environmentally responsible trade practices.

In 2013, Dean Cycon was selected as the first-ever winner of the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles Leadership Award for Community Engagement.  He was recognized for his company’s innovative social and market-based efforts toward achieving gender equality in third-world coffee bean-growing countries.

Grounds for Health is thrilled to have an industry leader join us in such a meaningful way to help make our Ethiopian program successful. To learn more about Dean’s Beans, please visit