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Success – 15 Years and Counting

Mexico hospital

Original hospital in Pochutla, Mexico that was the birthplace of GFH programs

August just returned from an extended trip to our sites in Latin America, and despite the after-effects of a horrible cold, her eyes were alight with what she experienced.

When asked about her visit to our original site in Mexico, her voice quivered with excitement: after nearly 15 years, the first clinic Grounds for Health helped establish is more than thriving. What started as a modest cervical cancer prevention campaign has blossomed into a sustainable and effective clinic that administers care to the greater region. Thanks to the passion and expertise of our good friend Dr. Valenzuela—who is the original Mexican physician who requested our help—the program in Pochutla proves the lasting impact Grounds for Health can have.

August in Pochutla

August in Pochutla back in 2004