Our Model: Capacity Building

In 2009-10, Grounds for Health focused on building clinical capacity to practice the screen-and-treat and the Single Visit Approach at all our program sites. This means transferring skills, creating systems and developing resources (both human and material) that foster an environment for a new technology to take hold and thrive.

Screen-and-Treat and the Single Visit Approach

  • World Health Organization Approved
  • Simple, safe and effective
  • Inexpensive and sustainable
  • Screen using Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (vinegar)
  • Preventive treatment using Cryotherapy (freezing)
  • Single Visit Approach: All the above, but same-day screening and treatment


Specialty Coffee and organizations from other progressive industries offer financial and in-kind support to Grounds for Health.

Grounds for Health works with local communities to provide training, assistance and equipment for the communities and local health system.

Coffee Cooperatives educate their members about the GFH program and cervical cancer, establish trust, and organize transportation for women and follow-up care.

Local Health Systems consist of doctors, nurses and Ministries of Health that provide the health infrastructure that makes screening and treatment possible.

At the Core of These Partnerships: Women in Coffee-Growing Communities