Tanzania: Kigoma

Since February 2009 GFH has worked in Kigoma, Tanzania, a region located in the far west of Tanzania, with the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) and Kanyovu Coffee Cooperative. Our program in the region, which has been named a national demonstration project, has focused on training JGI’s expert community health promoters in cervical cancer prevention and also training doctors and nurses in the screen-and-treat method and the Single Visit Approach.


  • Of those who need care over 90% have received treatment within 3 months
  • Nearly 100% of doctors and nurses trained continue to use their skills
  • Began partnership with the International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) to expand access to care, and was invited to review Tanzanian National Guidelines for cervical cancer programs

PROFILE: Dr. Annah Kichambati, In-Country Staff

Before she enters any room, Dr. Annah’s energy precedes her.  She has an uncanny ability to connect—with health promoters, doctors, and patients.  Dr. Annah animates the entire space as she trains, turning concepts and seemingly overwhelming subject matter into information that is easily understood.  Trainees go from cautiously curious to jumping on their feet, ready to be engaged in the work.

We are lucky to have Dr. Annah as the local leader and coordinator of our Tanzanian Team. She serves as the face of Grounds for Health, representing all facets of our organization among our local stakeholders, including the Kanyovu Coffee Cooperative, the Jane Goodall Institute, The International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) and the Tanzanian Ministry of Health.

She juggles her responsibilities with skill, patience, humor and a clear vision to provide better health care for women.  We’ve been at this a long time, and we can honestly say that we’ve never encountered anyone like Dr. Annah.  She has been essential to our success in Tanzania.   Asante sana Dr. Annah.

– Elisa Vandervort, Deputy Director, Programs